When it comes to homeopathy, the "how" of taking remedies can often be as fascinating as the remedies themselves. If you've ever wondered why your homeopath prescribes remedies in ways that range from the ordinary to the downright quirky, you're not alone. Among the many methods in homeopathy, the Plussing Method stands out as a gentle yet powerful approach to managing chronic conditions and supporting the body during intense healing phases. Rooted in the principles laid out by Hahnemann himself, this technique offers a unique way to work with your vital force in a dynamic and responsive manner. Here, we dive into the “what,” “why,” and “how” of the Plussing Method, and how it could be a game-changer for your healing journey.
If your homeopath is anything like me, they are going to have a bunch of different ways that they get you to take things.
5 drops 3 x daily
2 pills morning and night
This remedy in the morning and this one at night
Drop dose this one once daily
Stand on your right leg and look at the moon whilst taking this remedy
Okay the last was a slight exaggeration, but it can be a little ‘interesting’ to say the least, how we prescribe. If you didn’t think ‘what’ we prescribe is weirdo enough!
Well, to add fuel to the fire, today, we talk about the plussing method. This is a method I use in many chronic conditions and I was initially taught this approach as a way to assist in big immune responses that require very consistent and repetitive support.
Cancer, autoimmune, surgery recovery and depression are among the kinds of expressions we may use the plussing method.
Essentially, this means taking some pillules or medicated potency and putting them in water, letting them dissolve and then using the solution as a remedy for additional doses throughout the day, multiple times a day.
According to Hahnemann in Aphorism 247 – Cure does not change when we repeat the same unchanged dose of remedy. But if the succeeding dose it changed, slightly every time, namely potentised slightly higher (aphorism 269-270), then the vital principal may be altered without difficult by the same medicine.
This is why this approach is helpful.
The general instructions are:
Do not touch the remedy pellets if prescribed this way.
Take two pillules or 5 drops and dissolve them in 1 cup of distilled or purified water in a glass container (Plastic containers often have a residue on them)
Stir or shake the container vigorously (about 30 times). Use a metal spoon for stirring and for taking the remedy (Plastic spoons often have a residue on them).
Take one teaspoon orally. Swish and swallow the remedy.
Remember to stir the solution before you use it each time.
Do not add more pillules to the remedy solution for subsequent doses.
When the solution is down to a couple of teaspoons, add two more pillules and fill it back up and begin again
It is common for you to take the entire day to get through this cup and begin again with the restocked supply the next day but not unlikely that this many also last a week before replacing. An ideal circumstance would be taking a teaspoon every 15 minutes but this can be very annoying so we tend to flow with what the patient feels they can cope with.
It is also common for you to be on one remedy at a time in this method or alternate remedies weekly.
The reason for putting remedies into water before taking them is so that you can repeat the remedy frequently with less danger of overdosing. This as mentioned above, provides a safe and effective way of dosing you up and supporting by expressions of the vital force.
Each dose is slightly less strong than the one before. So, if you do not notice a change in your symptoms, make a new batch of remedy water.
Learn something new everyday hey!